For further information about how to become accredited with Better Choice, continue scrolling.
We are committed to quality in all areas of lending and in providing you a wide range of prime and specialist lending products designed to suit all types of borrowers. We are dedicated to providing high levels of service to our brokers and pay commissions above industry standards. We make ourselves available by providing direct line access to all members of staff to assist you and your clients at all stages of getting your loans approved, settled and with all areas of post settlement support.
Step One
Watch our accreditation video
Step Two
After watching the video you’re ready to get accredited! Final step is to complete our interactive accreditation form and please send it to your aggregator accreditation team and they will submit your request to Better Choice and you’ll be able to write Better Choice loans!
If you are a Better Choice accredited broker and wish to add a loan writer to an existing accreditation, use the following instructions.
For brokers under an aggregator, please contact your aggregator to complete an Aggregator Application Form.
For brokers with a company who have direct accreditation with Better Choice, please speak to your dedicated Relationship Manager send us the following information:
Please note that our digital Loan Writer form must be completed by a Director or ACL holder of the accredited company.
Ready to make a better choice? Or have a question? Speak to our customer solutions team on 1300 334 336 now or email us on
General Enquiries
1300 334 336